Is ABO AutoBackOffice an alternative to Adminer?

Is ABO AutoBackOffice an alternative to Adminer?

Adminer is a great piece of free software. It lets an advanced user to easily modify a DB with a ton of features.
But it cannot be delivered to a final customer, for several reasons: it gives you full control on a DB (and so the final user can compromise the DB), it cannot be easily customized, it cannot be easily expanded, it doesn't show data the way you want, and it doesn't work well on mobile phones.
Don't get us wrong: it's a GREAT product - for a software developer, that is.
A final customer must have access to a nice-looking, feature-rich environment that blocks you from erasing important data, lets you see the data in a confortable way, and so on. Sure, Adminer has plugins to do that but we go back to a basic point: ABO has been created to make the creation of a backoffice EASY. Handling and configuring plugins becomes a hassle as soon as you have 2 or 3 of them, and this was against our main goal: to make the creation of a backoffice a hassle-free (and even enjoyable!) process.